Home Page of Subhro Ghosh

Subhro Ghosh
National University of Singapore
Department of Mathematics
Dept of Statistics and Data Science
Institute of Data Science

subhrowork (**at**) gmail.com
matghos (**at**) nus.edu.sg

Research   |   Recognitions   |   Editorial   | Selected & recent works   |   Publications   |   Teaching   |   Students & postdocs   |   Grants & organisation   |   Seminar   |   Gallery

About me

I am an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore and a faculty affiliate at the Institute of Data Science, NUS. I am broadly interested in stochastics, focussing on problems from statistical physics and the math of data, and their interactions. Before joining NUS, I was a post doc at Princeton University, and prior to that I obtained my PhD from the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Yuval Peres. Earlier, I received my Bachelor in Statistics and Master in Mathematics degrees from the Indian Statistical Institute. My work is generously supported in part by the Singapore MOE Tier II Grant 'Complex structures in Statistical Physics and the Math of Data'. I am grateful to be a Finalist for the Bell Labs Prize, 2022.


I am broadly interested in stochastics, focussing on problems from statistical physics and the math of data, and their interactions. These encompass constrained stochastic systems and their applications, including problems of learning under complex structure (e.g., latent symmetries or community structure), dimension reduction, sampling and optimization, statistical networks and signal processing. Key paradigms include determinantal processes (DPP), strong Rayleigh measures and negative dependence, multi reference alignment (MRA), maximum likelihood under constraints, generative priors, Gaussian random fields and stochastic geometry. The investigation of these problems naturally brings together a wide array of tools and techniques, including probability, harmonic and complex analysis, persistent homology and the theory of group representations.

For more on my research, please refer to
Selected & recent works and my full list of Publications.

Selected recognitions


Selected and recent works


Research Grants and major organisational activities

My research work and organisational activities have been generously supported by :

Graduate students

I have had the pleasure to supervise :

Research Fellows

I have had the pleasure to mentor :


Some courses that I have taught:


I organise the Stochastics Seminar at NUS Math. If you are interested in giving a talk, please reach out via e-mail.

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A Random Gallery

            Left to right: Surface plot of normalised GAF; and Fractal Gaussian networks

            Left to right: Gaussian DPP for clustering Fisher's Iris data; and stochastic geometry of spectrogram level sets

            Left to right: Laplace transform based sampling for UK retail data; and DPP based minibatch sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent

            Left to right: Conditional intensity for a Gaussian matrix and for a Gaussian polynomial

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